Walk Back in Time Weekend Trip 9/23-9/24/23

The Missouri Valley Region had a wonderful overnight trip to Mexico, Mo.  We had 10 Model A's in our caravan, some on their first voyage outside of St. Louis.  Although the weather forecast was questionable, we were able to dodge the rainstorms on both Saturday and Sunday.  The Audrain County Historical Society did a fabulous job in putting together an unforgettable Walk Back in Time event.  There was something for everyone including Old West themes, Vikings, Civil War, WWI, WWII and Vietnam displays including battlefield reenactments and of course we were the featured car club.  Head organizer, Paul Baum, rode in with the Model A's as we honked our horns and announced ourselves.

July 30 to August 4 MARC National Meet in Hamilton

The MARC National Meet is now in the history books.  The MVR had 24 attendees including:  Fred & Susan Burk, Gene & Dayna Cogorno, Jim & Barb Flowers, Paul & Pam Ganninger, Ed Hoganson Jr., Ed & Lynn Hoganson III, Jon & Alice Palm, Gary & Kathy Puellmann, Ricky & Lisa Reid, Gene & Jane Roehl, Bill Schaefer, Don Schaumburg, Larry Shepard and Rick & Martha Toben. 

7-6-2023 History Museum Car Display

The History Museum car display.  We parked the Model A's around the front of the Museum, just as we did for our 2008 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Missouri Valley Region Model "A" Club.  We were joined by a handful of Model T's too!  The weather was spectacular, the vendor food was great and the Route 66 theme for the evening was evident everywhere.  The general public asked many questions and a bride to be inquired about using one of the Model A's for her wedding!